The platform for open education

Information about the project

Openki Night

When: 16.02.2018 – 20:00 – 02:00
What & where: Self-organised learning at  Kunsthalle Zürich
Cost: Donation

Openki Night is a colourful festival with a wide range of self-organized courses, with inspiring and applicable learnings for you and your friends. One of the main ideas of our project is  “education for all” and to advance it. We offer easy access to non-commercial courses at Kunsthalle Zurich.

What is offered? What courses are planned?
So far following courses are offered by others like you:
Talent Speed-Dating, Game Design, Non-Violent Communication, Theatre, Beatboxing, professional paperplan folding, Tango,

Each One Teach One!
What about that one (2,3) special thing you always wanted to share with the world?
Did you want to hold a workshop or create a course, but were missing one of the necessary ingredients for it, like a space, or co-creators? Propose something, come over and share it with us and others.

Since one can not only live by love, light and education alone, we will take care of your carnal needs as well. In case you are lucky your taste buds will be pampered by our chefs. Why lucky? Because we are depending on foodsavers to make it happen, so it will be menu surprise. There will be drinks and food

In any case, for your questions or offerings like bringing delicious things or giving a hand just write us: see ya!

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