15 08 2022
This Year we do not only run the Workshop Platform for «Zurich lernt», but also host several super interesting workshops in our Venue Mycelium. Here comes the Program: Looking forward to see you there!
15 08 2022
This Year we do not only run the Workshop Platform for «Zurich lernt», but also host several super interesting workshops in our Venue Mycelium. Here comes the Program: Looking forward to see you there!
8 11 2021
WIE ALLES BEGANN Ein Bericht von Laura Moser, Mentorin Openki-Jodelgruppe Alles begann damit, dass ich diesen Sommer aushilfsweise den Openki-Kurs «Ich kann nicht singen!» leiten durfte. Dann folgte eins dem andern und ich landete im Openki-Jodelkurs. Dieser Kurs wurde vor acht Jahren in den Anfängen von Openki als einer der ersten Beispielkurse erstellt und hatte […]
28 07 2021
We are happy to announce next years QmS (2022) will be organized with Openki. Their website is already online: quartiermachtschule.ch
12 01 2021
Teilzeit (40-80%)Ab sofort oder ab März 2020 in Zürich Du bist erfahrene*r Softwareentwickler*in und brauchst eine neue Herausforderung? Du möchtest dich gerne an einem sinnvollen Projekt beteiligen, welches einen sozialen Einfluss hat? Dann bist du bei Openki genau richtig! Wer wir sind Hinter Openki steckt ein junges, kreatives Team aus Softwareentwickler*innen, Designer*innen, Künstler*innen und weiteren […]
27 11 2020
After one year of planing, this spring was the time. In the middle of Zurich from the 5th until the 8th March the Openki-festival “Each one Teach one” took place. During five days there were 63 different workshops to join. In advance you people proposed unbelievable 124 different workshops! Within a short period of time […]
21 01 2020
The Openki Festival will take place from the 5th to the 8th of March 2020 in Zurich. Help creating the program by proposing the workshop of your dreams! openki-festival.ch.
14 08 2018
Thursday, 30 August 2018, 18.00 – 20.00 h Openki Myzelia, Sihlquai 131, Zurich In a personal setting, moderated and hosted by Karin and Flavia: Getting to know each other Exchange of experiences Apéro We invite all people who already moderate / organize Openki courses or plan to do so in the future. You will have […]
1 08 2018
The article in the Mercator magazine reflects on Openki Festival and the idea of collective learning. Sorry, only in German.
15 05 2018
Over the course of five days we celebrated self-organized education: With more than 30 courses from the local population, discussions on the topic of self-organized learning and concerts. [unitegallery festival1 catid=4] [unitegallery festival2 catid=5]
4 04 2018
When: 2 May 2018 – 6 May 2018 What: Workshops – Discussions – Party Where: Various places in Zurich Kreis 5 How much: Donation Who: Everybody living in or visiting Zurich is invited! More infos -> to the Festival-Webpage: Openki Festival