1 03 2015
Before Openki had its German translation, it was translated into Taiwaneese !!! Thank you Pei!
1 03 2015
Before Openki had its German translation, it was translated into Taiwaneese !!! Thank you Pei!
27 02 2015
We are testing our Openki prototype for the first time during the week of sustainability: http://openki.nachhaltigkeitswoche.ch For those of you who do not know what that means: Here you can exchange and create proposals or consider proposals of others regarding the broad topic of sustainability. You can merely participate, or be a mentor or host. […]
26 02 2015
The week of sustainability, organised by over 60 students, will be held for the third time between the 2nd and 6th of March 2015 at the five colleges of Zürich (ETH, UZH, ZHdK, ZHAW, PHZH) As part of the ” Innovation Day ” on Monday, the 2nd of March, Openki has organised a workshop called […]
2 02 2015
Dear all, We have a new office! Bright and spacious, equipped with cooking facilities, beautiful wooden tables etc. and enough space for awesome workshops at the back of the room. It’s located in Sihlquai, in the former SNM/VKM, house-nr. 131, 2nd floor. The building will be temporally used in the next few years. Besides […]
29 01 2015
This year’s Tour de Lorraine focused on the subject of money. We offered a free workshop titled “What costs nothing is worth nothing” http://www.tourdelorraine.ch/index.php?id=207#c581 We discussed forms of “services in return” especially in regards to our questions regarding Openki’s courses. Should we have a fixed price? If not, what should we have in its stead? […]
15 01 2015
After months of pondering and discussing we’ve finally decided on our future name amongst the thousands we had briefly considered. We have droped the old name schuel.ch and now proudly wear our new name: Openki! (emphasis on th e:) Openki is a fungus with a massive biomass . Mostly it consists of the mycelium , […]
12 01 2015
For the first time Openki was publically tested by members of Hackerspaces mailing list. Using Criterias like Ease of use (simplicity) autonomy for the user transparency security practicality variety of features we received a very good feedback in reference to its suitability for Hackerspaces management. https://hackpad.com/Hackerspace-Mgmt-Apps-95XqjVCl5wx#:h=Schuel/Hmmm-http://192.155.91
8 01 2015
At the Tour de Lorraine our prototype will be free to test online and publicly for the first time. All workshops have been registered.
29 10 2014
We are invited by DANACH on Saturday, 7th of November to present our project at the Dock18 . For this purpose a public live example of Openki and an open discussion on “sustainable lifestyle” will be held. 20:00 to 24:00 in Dock18 at the Rote Fabrik . —- > Link to event page Here the […]
29 08 2014
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